Beauty is a strength, 
not an ideal.

Our vision

À toi qui as prévu d’aller courir à 7h du matin, mais qui le feras plutôt demain.
À toi qui passes 1 heure dans la salle de bain avant d’aller à la salle de sport.
À toi qui préfères les baskets aux talons hauts. Ou l’inverse.
À toi qui penses que l’on peut montrer son nombril sans se prendre pour le nombril du monde.
À toi qui adores le quinoa, mais qu’un gros burger fait grimper aux rideaux.

À toutes celles qui sont elles-mêmes avant de chercher à être une autre,
Cultiv propose une nouvelle manière de se sentir belle, simplement, en respectant sa nature.

À toi d'inventer ton rituel pour être enfin,

bien dans ta beauté.

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Our vision

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À toi qui as prévu d’aller courir à 7h du matin, mais qui le feras plutôt demain.
À toi qui passes 1 heure dans la salle de bain avant d’aller à la salle de sport.
À toi qui préfères les baskets aux talons hauts. Ou l’inverse.
À toi qui penses que l’on peut montrer son nombril sans se prendre pour le nombril du monde.
À toi qui adores le quinoa, mais qu’un gros burger fait grimper aux rideaux.

À toutes celles qui sont elles-mêmes avant de chercher à être une autre,
Cultiv propose une nouvelle manière de se sentir belle, simplement, en respectant sa nature.

À toi d'inventer ton rituel pour être enfin,

bien dans ta beauté.

Our origin

We have our feet firm on the ground

We cultivate our lands, our critical mind, our personality.
Cultiv works for everyone : it's you behind your screen, your neighbor across the street, your work colleague. Cultiv is all of us. Cultiv is a team convinced of the richness of French agriculture, its benefits for humans and for the skin.

Only just 3 years ago chicory was the drink of our grandparents, beetroot and spinach bad memories of canteen food... Nothing else. These unloved vegetables were undeservedly cast aside until we decided to reevaluate their power beyond the plate.

Blue blight

Why you need to protect yourself from blue light ?

Blue light is a part og the spectrum of lught emitted by the sun, it's the B in the RGB colour code but it is also emitted by our beloved screens ! When we are over-exposed to blue light from screens on a daily basis it can have a number of avdverse effects on our health, not least our skin.

Blue light can impact eyesight adversely and it also causes accelerated aging of your skin. No one is going to throw away their screens any time soon, so we've incorporated powerful "anti-blue light" antioxidants into our products to help your skin defend itself better on a daily basis.

At the heart of our formulas

Vegetables extracts

Among the diversity of French cultures, we looked for those that had the most beautiful moisturizing and antioxidant properties for the skin.
This is how we identified the vegetables.

Far from the timeless cucumbers or tomatoes, we were interested in the typical vegetables of our lands, whose crops have provided food for thousands of men and women for decades, but whose beauty virtues have not been valued until then.
Why then ? Because of their image is not the most attractive one and it's complicated to promote to consumers.

At Cultiv, we are committed to promoting french plants, which  ensure real effectiveness to our formulas.
No matter the exoticism, hello education work.

CeThese vegetables are grown in France i organic farming, then processed in our partner extraction laboratories in order to extract the active ingredients. The extraction protocol is certified organic, it uses natural non-toxic solvents.

(Re)discover these unloved French vegetables full of active ingredients that are good for your skin, which reveal all their power in our formulas. 

Our commitement

Cultivons notre bon sens

Your health and the environment are at the heart of what we do. We provide the best alternatives for your skin. Even if they don't make our work easier ! 

Long life Bio !

Opting for organic means we deeply respect our consumers and the environment.
Agricultural conversion is a value that we want to enhance by promoting the steps taken by our farmers. 

LThe new European organic label was developed through consultation with the various pre-existing organic labels. COSMO ORGANIC imposes a strict formualtion charter with 2 key values : 95% natural ingredients and 20% from organic farming. 

What does AB mean ?
Agriculture Biologique is the french orgaic label for food and food supplements. They must made up of 100% organic and 100% plant-based active ingredients. It's up to us to create super concentrated vegetable extracts ! This is why there are no raw vitamins or minerals in our formulas but only extracts rich in molecules of interest.

Clean beauty

Silicones, parabens, phenoxyethanol, synthetic dye... So many complicated terms !
Organic certification automatically excludes a huge number of molecules for their impact on health and/or environment - the list is a long one !  

Our formulas are good for you, but also sensoriel, effective and reliable.
There is no miracle but only intelligent formulas made up of 20 to 30 ingredients. COmplexity becomes quality when ingredients are chosen carefully.

Efficiency matters to us.
CThat's why we value our products by using stringent tests carried out by dermatologists. It is the interests of transparency towards our consumers that we have carried out this approach completely voluntarily.

But that's not all, we are continually improving our formulas behind the scenes.

Made in France

Organic is good but local organic is better !
It means accepting the seasonal cycle of cultures. To tell yoiu the truth, it also delayed our launch, the beets were not ready in june... 

Why go far and look for what we know how to do well at home ?
NWe are fortunate to have committed farmers, state-of-the-art R1D laboratories and conscientious production plants, so working with them was a no-brainer ! 
We are still too small to be able to source our packaging exclusively from France, but we are working on it.

We recycle

Yes to recycled plastic !
We choose recycled plastic for our packaging to limit our ecological footprints, when our oceans are already full of waste. Our packaging isn't pristine white, but who said grey wasn't sexy ? 

Good bye cardboard that are just thrown into the trash.
Our products are delivered without secondary packaging in their pretty tubes or bottles, which also include application instructions.

We travel light.
We deliver our products in brown paper bags, inside a small box.

Do the right thing with us ! 
Our packagings are recyclable except for the pumps and pipettes.

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